Master of Divinity
An eclectic and practical theological education.
About the Programme
The Master of Divinity (MDiv) programme is intended to provide practical, theological, and ministerial skills for individuals with Bachelor’s degree in Theology/Religion or who either do not have Bachelor’s degree in Theology, but have manifested a calling to the pastoral ministry. It is designed to provide the most comprehensive theological education and equip the learners with extensive knowledge in both biblical studies and applied theology and prepare the graduates further for ministry in the Church.
The MDiv degree programme provides post-graduate professional preparation for ministry with a broad exposure to all fields of theological study. The programme applies biblical, historical, educational, linguistic, theological, philosophical, ethical, missiological, pastoral, and evangelistic instruction to the practical work of the Church. Practical field experience is a vital part of this programme.
What you may become?
- Effective Gospel Minister
- Compassionate Christian Counsellor
- Revered Preacher
- Efficient Church Leader
- Theological Researcher
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Mission
Duration of the Programme
For those with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology:
- Full Time – Two Years
- Part-Time – Three Years
For those with a Bachelor’s Degree in non-Theology:
- Full Time – Four Years
- Part-Time – Five Years
Admission Requirements
- Have a bachelor’s degree with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 on a 4-point scale or its equivalent grade of 60%. Applicants with a CGPA of 2.5 to 2.99 or 55% to 59% may be accepted on probation. [Non Theology/Religion bachelors is acceptable but will be required to complete an additional 30 credits]
- Have two Recommendations: One from the local Church Board and one from your previous university or from the employing organization if employed. Submit name, email address and designation of your referees, and AUA admissions will email the link for completing the online recommendation form. The applicant should seek the consent of the referee before submitting their details.
- Must demonstrate proficiency in English
Core Courses
OTST 665
The Pentateuch
3 Credits
The Pentateuch represents the heritage of the three major religions in the world: Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Its narratives introduce us to God and His theocracy, to a nation and its understanding of the world, and most of all, to the interaction between God and his peoples as it is portrayed through the covenant agreement and the Low codes. This course is an in-depth study of the Pentateuch, emphasising the social-historical context, the message of the narratives, theological themes, and their implications for Christianity.
OTST 558
Hebrew Readings
3 Credits
This course is a prerequisite to OTST 626 Advanced Biblical Hebrew. Hebrew Readings in the Hebrew Old Testament is designed to continue developing practical, working knowledge of biblical Hebrew so that the student can accurately interpret the Old Testament in its original language. As with any language, the interpretation of texts is a complex process integrating several categories of knowledge and skills, e.g. morphology, syntax, and lexicography. This includes vocabulary knowledge of Hebrew words used 100 times or more in the Hebrew Bible.
Prerequisites: OTST 550 Beginning Biblical Hebrew, OTST 552 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew or their equivalent.
NTST 660
3 Credits
The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the historical and critical issues in the study of the Gospels and to know the overall structure and interrelations of the four Gospels while being able to identify the unique theologies of and accurately interpret passages within the Gospels. Furthermore, the course prepares students to share the Gospels with others.
NTST 558
Greek Readings
3 Credits
This course is a prerequisite to NTST 626 Advanced Biblical Greek. Given the significant role the New Testament writings have played and continue to play in the life of the Christian Church and in the wider Western society, mastery of the language in which they are written is a valuable tool in studying those scriptures and the Septuagint. The Greek Readings course aims to equip the students with adequate knowledge of Greek morphology and syntax to enhance their ability to engage in a more profound and extensive exegetical and hermeneutical study of scriptural extra-canonical texts. This course assumes a working knowledge of the NTST 550 Beginning Biblical Greek. It is designed to follow the beginning of speaking, listening to and reading classical texts. Prerequisite: ARBC 521 or equivalent.
THST 610
Revelation, Inspiration, and Hermeneutics
3 Credits
This course discusses the biblical, historical, and theological aspects of the Christian doctrine of revelation and inspiration, focusing on their relation to knowledge and interpretation of truth. It also sets an epistemological ground for the way of doing theology.
THST 661
Contemporary Issues in SDA Theology
3 Credits
A careful examination of key theological topics, with particular attention given to issues that may be particularly relevant to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Africa.
CHIS 613
History of the Reformation and Modern Church
3 Credits
An overview of the Christian Church from the Reformation to present times, including the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the development of denominationalism, the Enlightenment and its influence upon Christian thought, and the influence of changing worldviews upon theology. Emphasis is given especially to factors, which influenced the rise and development of the SDA Church.
CHIS 670
SDA Church Heritage
3 Credits
CHMN 630
Church Leadership and Administration
3 Credits
A study of leadership theory and practice from various disciplines, as well as from the biblical perspective. The course also studies the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s financial and administrative structures and recommends church administration procedures.
CHMN 638
Church Growth and Spiritual Nurture
3 Credits
An examination of church growth principles specialises in the pastor’s role as an equipper of members for service and evangelism.
CHMN 680
Expository Preaching
3 Credits
This advanced course in preaching emphasizes the challenges and opportunities of working with--and preaching from specific and carefully targeted books of the New Testament. It intentionally focuses on developing practical strategies, methods, and skills in creating expository sermons from individual books of the New Testament.
MSSN 600
The Church and Its Mission
3 Credits
A study of the theological foundations of mission and their actualization throughout the history of Christianity, with a special focus on the Seventh-day Adventist's current understanding and application worldwide, together with an evaluation of its impact.
CHMN 643
Christian Professional Ethics
3 Credits
An inquiry into the field of professional relations, dilemmas, and decision-making within Christian ethics. Emphasis is on ethics that is informed by the calling, identity, and functions of the professional/ pastoral person from a biblical Christian perspective. The course addresses issues such as integrity, loyalty, conflict of interest, and the ethics of persuasion and preaching. In addition, ethical aspects of financial management, accountability, and responsibility are considered.
CHMN 634
Youth Ministry
3 Credits
An in-depth study of selected issues having to do with the spiritual development of youth from birth to thirty years of age, with primary emphasis on persons of high school age and young adults. The course is designed to acquaint students with opportunities for ministry to and with young people in the Church, school, and home and develop plans and the skills needed to implement them.
THST 677
Issues in Science and Religion
3 Credits
This course surveys areas of study in which Science and Religion interface, ways in which each discipline enhances our understanding of reality and how the claims of each appear to run counter to the other. The claims of traditional Bible-based Christianity about the origin and history of life and the claims of science will serve as a case study from which principles and illustrations will be drawn.
NTST 550
Greek Grammar
3 Credits
This course is a prerequisite to NTST 558 Readings in the Greek New Testament. Beginning
Biblical Greek is an introductory course in the Greek language, including topics in the alphabet, vocabulary, and main grammar rules to prepare the students with basic Greek Grammar that they may use in making a simple analysis of the New Testament in its original language. It is mainly designed as a prerequisite course for students in the Biblical studies area.
OTST 501
Introduction to the OT
3 Credits
NTST 501
Introduction to the NT
3 Credits
OTST 550
Hebrew Grammar
3 Credits
Beginning Biblical Hebrew is designed to lay the foundation toward a practical, working knowledge of biblical Hebrew so that the student can start to interpret the Old Testament in its original language accurately. As with any language, the interpretation of texts is a complex process integrating several categories of knowledge and skills, e.g. morphology, syntax, and lexicography. This course aims to equip the student with sufficient knowledge and skills, allowing the student to move on to Intermediate Biblical Hebrew. Each student is expected and encouraged to develop the skills and ability to read aloud from the Hebrew text with understanding, commensurate with the degree of difficulty found in the passage.
CHIS 610
Early and Medieval Church History
3 Credits
This course overviews the development of the Christian Church from the apostolic times to the end of the Middle Ages. Special attention is offered to the development of the Church’s self-understanding of its nature and mission, structure, persecution, relation with the state and the world, theology and liturgy. A particular focus will be given to the development of the Church in Africa.
CHMN 540
Pastoral Ministry and Church Policy
3 Credits
This course deals with selected topics in the ministries and duties of the pastor in church life and committee meetings.
CHMN 637
Pastoral Care and Counselling
3 Credits
An intensive study of potential contributions of counselling to some of the more disturbing problems brought by members of a congregation to their pastors. Designed to enlarge the pastor’s acquaintance with the therapeutic approaches of various referral agencies.
CHMN 663
Personal and Public Evangelism
3 Credits
CHIS 675
Life, Work, and Writings of E.G. White
3 Credits
This course is designed to develop a philosophy and hermeneutic for interpreting the writings of Ellen G. White in the light of biblical and theological foundations for prophetic ministry.
CHMN 668
Pastoral Ministry Practicum
3 Credits
Research Courses
Studies in Biblical Exegesis
3 Credits
Exegesis of selected biblical texts, with particular emphasis on a rigorous exegetical process.
GSEM 605
Applied Theology Research Methods and Writing
3 Credits
This course is a study of the philosophy, methods, tools, and techniques of documentary research, especially geared at developing a thesis or dissertation in academic programs such as MABTS and Ph.D. programs. It also focuses on the techniques of developing a ministry project in Applied Theology areas such as Chaplaincy, Master of Divinity, Mission, and Pastoral Theology programs.
GSEM 610
Applied Theology Research Seminar
3 Credits
GSEM 694
MDiv Project/Thesis
6 Credits
The report of a project completed for the MA in Pastoral Theology or Master of Divinity. The project will be practical in nature but must be grounded in appropriate research. The written report should be around 60-80 pages in length.
Specialization Courses: New Testament
NTST 620
New Testament Backgrounds
3 Credits
New Testament Backgrounds offers students an overview of the historical, political, cultural, and religious milieu of the time immediately prior to and during the New Testament Era.
NTST 682
Theology of the New Testament
3 Credits
This course aims at surveying New Testament theological themes within the framework of the various New Testament books as well as across the entire New Testament. A special focus is rendered to such themes as the unity and the authority of the New Testament, and the methodologies for doing New Testament theology.
NTST 664
3 Credits
This course is intended to familiarize the students closely with the epistles of Romans and Galatians. Besides introductory issues, the students will participate in a chapter-by-chapter exegetical study, interpretation, and theological implication of the message of both epistles.
NTST 670
The Book of Revelation
3 Credits
This course offers an in-depth study of the Book of Revelation. Although general apagogical issues such as literary genre, structure, schools, and principles of interpretations are outlined. The course focuses on textual study with the view of preparing students for an exposition of Revelation in both preaching and teaching.
Specialization Courses: Old Testament
OTST 620
Old Testament Backgrounds
3 Credits
This course provides a survey of the history, culture, literature, and religion of the ancient Near East from the earliest times until the close of the Old Testament, with special attention to points of contact with the Old Testament.
OTST 682
Theology of the Old Testament
3 Credits
Theology of the Old Testament Studies major theological themes of the OT in the light of the literary, cultural, and historical contexts of ancient Israel. Tracing the birth and development of such concepts as God, humankind, covenant, sin, sacrifice, etc., and the implications these had on Christian theology is the primary purpose of this course.
OTST 521
Studies in the Prophets
3 Credits
OTST 672
The Book of Daniel
3 Credits
This course is an in-depth study of the book of Daniel. Special attention is given to the historical, political, social, and literary contexts. Issues regarding apocalyptic literature are addressed, and selected passages are studied vis-à-vis the course of history.
Specialization Courses: Mission
MSSN 685
World Mission
3 Credits
This course is a concentrated study of mission theory and strategy, cultural perspectives of mission service, and basic principles of church growth.
AFTR 668
African Traditional Religion 3 Credits
The purpose of this class is to introduce the student to the interaction between religion and culture in African society.
MSSN 529
Foundations of Cross-Cultural Ministry 3 Credits
This course is designed to introduce the student to the complexities of ministry in cross-cultural settings. Worldview and socio-cultural issues related to applied mission anthropology, intercultural communication, and contextualization will be addressed.
MSSN 692
Principles of Contextualization
3 Credits
The purposes of this course are to examine the principles of contextualization, identify its relevance and distinguish it from syncretism. Special attention is given to the challenge of African Religions to Christianity.
Programme Coordinator

David Odhiambo, PhD
Lecturer in New Testament Studies
- PhD, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS), Philippines (2018)
- Master of Divinity, Africa International University(AIU) (Kenya)(2011)
Areas of Expertise
- New Testament Greek and Bible Interpretation.
- The current area of research: Semantic value of the Greek verb to an understanding of Salvation.
Dr Odhiambo is passionate about New Testament Greek and Bible Interpretation which is what he lectures at the University.

David Odhiambo, PhD
Lecturer in New Testament Studies
- Ph.D.hD, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS), Philippines (2018)
- Master of Divinity, Africa International University(AIU) (Kenya)(2011)
Areas of Expertise
- New Testament Greek and Bible Interpretation.
- The current area of research: Semantic value of the Greek verb to an understanding of Salvation.
Dr. Odhiambo is passionate about New Testament Greek and Bible Interpretation which is what he lectures at the University.
Featured Alumni

Abraham Boateng Adade
2022 / Master of Divinity
My years of study with AUA have been one of the best periods in my life. Because of their programs’ competitiveness, high standards, and globalized structure, AUA was my first choice for a university for my graduate studies.
The Master of Divinity program has really helped me in diverse ways of serving people. The training has equipped me for ministry. As a minister and an entrepreneur, the MDiv program has enriched my skill set in personal, interpersonal, and pastoral development.
Thank you AUA.

Abraham Boateng Adade
2022 / Master of Divinity
My years of study with AUA have been one of the best periods in my life. Because of their programs’ competitiveness, high standards, and globalized structure, AUA was my first choice for a university for my graduate studies.
The Master of Divinity program has really helped me in diverse ways of serving people. The training has equipped me for ministry. As a minister and an entrepreneur, the MDiv program has enriched my skill set in personal, interpersonal, and pastoral development.
Thank you AUA.