The Adventist University of Africa announces the release of pivotal studies by the Africa Seventh-day Adventist Study Group, led by Professor Sampson Nwaomah. These reports explore Evangelism Strategies, Conversion Patterns, and Membership Retention in Sub-Saharan Africa, providing vital insights to enhance outreach and engagement within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Ella Smith Simmons Delivers Inspiring Inaugural Public Lecture at Adventist University of Africa
In a momentous event that captivated the audience with profound insights and wisdom, Ella Smith Simmons, a former General Vice President of General Conference in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, delivered the Inaugural Public Lecture at Adventist University of Africa.
Fulfilling the Mission

“Our mission is to support your mission at every level of the church,” Adventist University of Africa (AUA) vice chancellor Vincent Injety said at the beginning of his report during the West-Central Africa Division (WAD) Year-End Meetings on October 30. The meetings . . . Read more.
2023/2024 Programs & Cohorts Schedule

Take your Postgraduate studies to new heights at Adventist University of Africa! Enroll today in any of our diverse range of programs and embark on a transformative educational journey that will expand your knowledge, sharpen your skills, and enhance your expertise.
Pursue your passion, achieve your goals, and join a vibrant community of learners committed to making a positive impact in Africa and beyond. Don’t miss this opportunity to hone your expertise and make a difference.
Apply here:
Installation of New University Chancellor
AUA installed Dr. Harrington Akombwa as its new Chancellor at a celebration attended by church officials and University staff.
Call for Papers – 5th Seminary Biannual Conference
Submit an abstract of between 200-300 words by March 17, 2023 to
Election of New AUASA Officers
The AUA Student Association (AUASA) recently elected the 2022-2024 officers on 28th September 2022 as follows:
- Chairperson – Brian Sinyangwe
- Vice Chairperson – Jeremiah Rogito
- Treasurer – Peter Munyua
- Secretary – Eric Were
- Chaplain – Edward Isingoma
- Sergeant-at-arms – Erick Aywa
- Social Affairs and Welfare – Tony Ogouma
- Faculty Sponsor – Dr David Odhiambo
The meeting was held both online and physically at the Main Campus, to accommodate the entire student body. The outgoing team, led by Phillip Gai, the outgoing President, were commended for their efforts and achievements despite the challenges brought about by COVID-19. The incoming Chairperson, Brian Sinyangwe, expressed his appreciation at his appointment and prayed for favour and wisdom in his tenure with his incoming team.
The election commissioners, Josephine Ganu and Janet Kariuki, noted however that no female contestants applied for any of the positions. They encouraged female students to consider such leadership opportunities in the future.
Congratulations to the incoming team.
Appointment of New Deans
The University Council recently appointed Dr Feliks Ponyatovskiy and Dr Lossan Bonde as the deans for the Theological Seminary (TS) and School of Postgraduate Studies (SPS) respectively.
Launch of Three Pan-African Research Journals
The Adventist University of Africa (AUA) launched three refereed research journals on 24th April 2022. The academic journals are:
1. Pan-African Journal of Theology (PAJOT)
2. Pan-African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (PAJES)
3. Pan-African Journal of Health and Environmental Studies (AJHES)
The guest of honour for the launch was Dr. Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, Education Director of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. She congratulated the University for attaining the great stride, saying that the journals are a great opportunity to bring to bear biblical world views, address challenges that face the Church and conduct interdisciplinary research as well.
The Research and Grants Development Director, Prof. Josephine Ganu mentioned that the overall purpose of the three journals was to provide a platform for academic exchange for scholars and readers in Africa and beyond. The journals would publish peer-reviewed, high-quality articles via an open-access online publishing model and she envisioned them becoming influential and prestigious journals in Africa. “The journals will enable the University to share discoveries with the world, even as AUA spearheads and foreruns disciplines and practice in Africa” said Prof. Vincent Injety, the AUA Vice-Chancellor.
It would be well to note that the chief editors and editorial board of each of the journals have diverse expertise and experience in relevant subject areas, and publication track records. The seven-member board of each journal provides scientific expertise, ensuring double-blind peer-review and the overall quality of the journal’s content.
The Pan-African Journal of Theology (PAJOT) provides a platform for scholarship based on biblical fidelity for academics and practitioners in all areas of theological studies. The aim of the journal is to encourage original and deeper studies, provide appropriate and relevant application of Scriptures to society for the ultimate purpose of redemption. PAJOT’s chief editor is Prof. Sampson Nwaomah.
The Pan-African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (PAJES) is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles in the areas of education, business, leadership, human behaviour, and other related areas. The journal accepts empirical research using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods; as well as theoretical and conceptual manuscripts. PAJE’s chief editor is Prof. Marie-Anne Razafiarivony.
The Pan-African Journal of Health and Environmental Science (AJHES) seeks to publish original research in the areas of health and environmental sciences. Topics covered in the journal include environmental issues, public health, occupational health, epidemiology, and global health among others. AHJES welcomes submissions of the highest quality, reflecting a wide range of perspectives, topics, contexts, and methods in the areas of health and environmental sciences. AJHE’s chief editor is Prof. Daniel Ganu.
Students, faculty, and various scholars are invited to submit their research papers on various thematic areas through the journals portal on
African SDA Health Study Receives Funding
The Adventist University of Africa (AUA) recently received a $100,000 fund for phase two of the African Seventh-day Adventist Health Study (ASDAHS) running from 2022 to 2025.
This fund was secured to enable efficient publishing and distribution of phase one findings to all stakeholders including Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church members in Africa and beyond. The funding will also expand the capacity of the research team headed by Professor Daniel Ganu, the principal investigator of the Study.
The Study was fully supported by the three Divisions of the continent (ECD, SID, and WAD), Health Ministries Department and the Office of Archives, Statistics, & Research of the General Conference. More than 15,000 Church members participated in the Study.
The Study which began in 2017 aimed at gathering baseline data of the health status, knowledge, attitude and practice of the health message of the Church. Phase one ended in 2021 with amazing research findings. Key findings are that Church members are knowledgeable in and have a positive attitude towards the health message. However, their knowledge and attitude are not commensurate to their practice of the health message. Based on the data obtained from the first phase, phase two of the Study will entail intervention programs focusing on non-communicable diseases among SDA populations in Africa.