7th International Research Conference
on Social and Applied Sciences

Register Now!

Join us at the “AI in Healthcare, Education, Business, and Research” conference as we explore the transformative power of AI and its changing landscape in organizations. We look forward to welcoming researchers, academics, practitioners, and students to contribute to this vibrant exchange of ideas. Register for the Conference by clicking the link below: 

About the Theme

The School of Postgraduate Studies (SPS) at the Adventist University of Africa (AUA) is delighted to announce its 7th AUA Research Conference on the theme: AI in Healthcare, Education, Business, and Research: Embracing a Changing Landscape in Organizations. The choice of the theme aligns with the current trends emerging in our communities regarding digitalization.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a defining force in contemporary society. It permeates almost all our lives, including health, education, employment, and business. If well understood and harnessed properly, it has the potential to be a valuable personal or organizational resource that can transform our existence for the better.  It offers several opportunities, including increased efficiency, more informed data-driven decision-making, and increased quality services to customers. On the other hand, AI can present challenges.

 Concerns have been raised regarding privacy infringements, high infrastructure costs, job displacement, lack of sufficient knowledge, and personal biases. Clearly, it takes skills and knowledge for us to thrive in an environment that is increasingly becoming digital. This conference will serve as a platform for scholars, researchers, professionals, and students to come together and discuss the transformative impact of AI in diverse organizational settings. We invite conceptual, theoretical, and empirical papers that would shed light, invite reflections, and increase our understanding of what it takes to navigate this new era. The sub-topics of interest include (but are not limited to):


Conference Venue

The Conference will be held in a face-to-face format on September 18 – 21, 2024, at the Adventist University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya


Accepted papers will be considered for a special issue on AI in the relevant Pan-African Journals (https://journals.aua.ke), subject to the journals’ blind review process.

Registration Fees

  1. US$ 60 for Paper Presenters
  2. US$ 50 for other participants [listeners] – includes access to all sessions, conference materials, lunch and refreshments. 


For more details or inquiries, please email researchconference@aua.ac.ke or visit www.aua.ac.ke

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