The Theological Seminary of the Adventist University of Africa is inviting you to the 5th Theological Seminary Conference to he held virtually from September 20-23, 2023. The theme is Conversion: Multiple Contexts and Multiple Perspectives.
Registration fee:
Early Bird (before March 31, 2023) = Free
Late Bird (after March 31, 2023) = $10
Submission and Deadlines
- Abstract Submission: send proposals by March 31, 2023 to tsconference@aua.ac.ke
- Notification of Acceptance. You will be notified of the inclusion of your paper in the conference by April 30, 2023. Submission of a proposal does not guarantee acceptance. All papers will be peer-reviewed for approval and presentation. Selected papers will also be considered for publication in the seminary journal or other books.
- Submission of the Full Paper: if your paper is accepted, a complete paper submission should be made before June 16, 2023. The secretariat will send you other information and details regarding the schedule.
Submission Guidelines
- The proposal/abstract should be in MS Word format summarizing the main thesis and trajectory of argumentation in 200-300 words. It should have the paper title, author's full name, institution of affiliation, and email address.
For inquiries, contact odhiambod@aua.ac.ke or tsconference@aua.ac.ke
Conversion: Multiple Contexts and Multiple Perspectives
The nature and definition of conversion has been under debate for a long time, and no consensus among scholars has yet emerged. It has been associated with divine encounter, but also with manipulation and pathology.
Conversion has traditionally been studied within the context of mission studies, but today other disciplines have also taken an interest, such as theology, church history, public health, comparative religion, sociology, anthropology, and even philosophy of science.
Conversion can be defined generally as a form of religious change. This in turn leads to various questions like: What changes? Who changes? How does change happen? How much change is needed? What is real/unreal change? Etc.
The context is important for a study of conversion. For example, a study of conversion in Kenya at the beginning of the 20th century needs to reckon with the context of colonialism. Similarly, a study of conversion in the 19th century England, will need to consider the influence of the Enlightenment.
Conference Speakers

Duane McBride
Senior Research Professor, Sociology at Andrews University
Director, Institute for Prevention of Addictions
Prof McBride is well known for his research efforts in addictions and Adventist Global Church Member surveys.

Richard Rice
Professor of theology and philosophy of religion, Loma Linda University, California.
Dr Rice is known for his lectures in systematic theology and in particular for his book The Reign of God.

Oscar Osindo
Director, Institute of World Mission.
Dr Osindo is an ordained minister, having served in district and departmental work and as a teacher. He has initiated various ministry models in the Muslim context in various parts of the world.

Laurence Turner
Principal Lecturer Emeritus in Old Testament studies, Newbold College